17.1 “Explain why the rapid delivery and deployment of new systems is often more important to businesses than the detailed functionality of these systems.”
Ans. “A conventional waterfall or specfication-based process is usually prolonged and the final software is delivered to the customer long after it was originally specified. In a fast-moving business environment, this can cause real problems. By the time the software is available for use, the original reason for its procurement may have changed so radically that the software is effectively useless. Therefore, for business systems in particular, development processes that focus on rapid software development and delivery are essential”.
17.3 “When would you recommend against the use of agile method for developing a software system?”
Ans. “Agile methods are not well suited to large-scale system development with the development teams in different places and where there may be complex interactions with other hardware and software system”. Agile methods are not well suited to critical systems development.
17.6 “Suggest four reasons why the productivity rate of programmers working as a pair is roughly the same as two programmers working individually.”
Ans. * “Pair programming supports the idea of common ownership and responsibility for the system”.
* “Pair programming acts as an informal review process because each line of code is looked at by at least two people. Code inspections and reviews are very successful in discovering a high percentage of software errors”.
* “Pair programming helps support refactoring, which is a process of software improvement”.
* “Pairs discuss the software before development so probably have fewer false starts and less
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Lesson 2:Hello World
At this point of time we have learned the some basic tags in HTML. Now let us try to create a HTML page with the tags we learned.
A quick remainder, Every HTML file should starts with Open ‘html’ tag and ends with close ‘html’ tag, ‘head’ and ‘Body’ tags should be defined in ‘html’; and ‘title’ tag should be defined with in ‘head’ tag.
This is the structure of Simple HTML File :
Let’s use this structure to develop a meaningful HTML page. Open notepad, type complete structure.Lets give a title to HTML page as “My First HTML Page”, this can be done by doing like this <title>My First HTML Page</title> What ever the text typed in between opening and ending tags of title will appear in top left of the browser like this.
Let display a message in body like this
Hello World
Now your code should be look like this
<title>My First HTML Page</title>
Hello World
Now save as your notepad as “myFirstHtml.html” or “some_name.html” at some location.
Now go to the location where u saved, your file should look like a web page.
click it and see … it should display hello world like this
Now you have created your own HTML Web Page.
At any point of time you can edit your html file by, right-click the file & select “Edit” , it should open in Notepad for editing.
Lesson 1:Introduction
Introduction to HTML
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
Most of the learners think HTML was a Programming Language. But HTML is not a Programming Language, HTML is a Markup Language. HTML is used for creating or developing web pages which can be viewed in web browsers(Firefox,Internet Explorer,Chrome & etc.). HTML files can be created by using any type of text editors (which we will discuss in later sections), but for now we will use Notepad. All HTML files should be saved as with extension “.html” or “.htm”. HTML is not case sensitive.
Basically learning HTML means learning HTML Tags. For example these are some tags: <html>,<body>,<head>,<br> and soon. Learning HTML is all about learning functionality of HTML tags and how to use them. In any HTML file we should indicate starting point and ending point for each kind of tag. For example body tag starting position should be indicated as “<body>” and ending as “</body>”.
Getting Started
To getting started with html you should learn some tags and there usage. The main tags are
Every HTML file should starts with Open HTML tag and ends with close HTML tag like this
This tag will tell browser that this is a HTML page. Head and Body Tags will be defined in between html tags only.
Title tag should be defined in Head tag only.
Like this
Next important tag is Body tag. Rest of all kind of tags should be defined in Body. So of the tags are ‘h’ for heading, ‘br’ for line break, ‘p’ for paragraph.
All kind of tags can be used more then once except html,head,title,body. These 4 tags can used only once.
In Next Lesson Create Your Own HTML page.
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Where can I watch Family Guy online for free ?
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Lecture 6:SQL
Lecture 6:SQL