Lesson 2:Hello World

At this point of time we have learned the some basic tags in HTML. Now let us try to create a HTML page with the tags we learned.
A quick remainder, Every HTML file should starts with Open ‘html’ tag and ends with close ‘html’ tag, ‘head’ and ‘Body’ tags should be defined in ‘html’; and ‘title’ tag should be defined with in ‘head’ tag.

This is the structure of Simple HTML File :


Let’s use this structure to develop a meaningful HTML page. Open notepad, type complete structure.Lets give a title to HTML page as “My First HTML Page”, this can be done by doing like this <title>My First HTML Page</title> What ever the text typed in between opening and ending tags of title will appear in top left of the browser like this.

Let display a message in body like this
Hello World

Now your code should be look like this
<title>My First HTML Page</title>

Hello World
Now save as your notepad as “myFirstHtml.html” or “some_name.html” at some location.
Now go to the location where u saved, your file should look like a web page.
click it and see … it should display hello world like this

Now you have created your own HTML Web Page.

At any point of time you can edit your html file by, right-click the file & select “Edit” , it should open in Notepad for editing.

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