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Journey on End Less Road
One Beautiful Flower
How to make a Shipping Box for book
Note: The diagrams in this article are not up to scale. This not the only way to make the shipping box.
Every time I receive my books, I was amazed by the way they are packed in the perfect shipping box. Every time I open a shipping box, I feel like, “I can also make this box”. So one day I decided to make a shipping box and went to local store and picked some thrown cardboard boxes.
List of items to make shipping box:
- A 32”X17” inches cardboard (for 9”X12” box)
- Marker
- Scale or Tape
- Scissors
- Glue
Step 1 : Take a cardboard approximately 32” width and 17” height.
Step 2: Take Marker and Scale to draw outlines for cutting cardboard as below
• Mark a point on the cardboard form below at 5.5” inches and draw a line horizontally on that point.
• Mark a point on the cardboard from left at 4.5” inches and draw a line vertically on that point.
• From the vertical line mark a point at 12” towards right and draw another vertical line.
• From the second vertical line mark a pint at 2” inches towards right and draw another vertical line.
• From first vertical line mark a point at 2” inches towards left and draw another vertical line.
• From the first horizontal line mark 2” inches below and draw another horizontal line.
• Mark 2” inches from the top of the cardboard and draw a horizontal line.
Now cardboard should look like this
Step 3: Now take scissors and cut the marked red portion of the cardboard as per below image.
Step 4: Now take marker and mark the cardboard as per below image; cut the marked cardboard
Now cardboard should look like this
Step 5: Now fold the cardboard as per horizontal and vertical lines
Step 6: Glue the box as needed.
Now you have a shipping box and You are ready to ship your books.
Too many Choices for a Cigarette Smoker
Shiny, colorful and stylish design boxes behind the cashier will catch the glimpse of eyes of every customers. There are too many cigarette types and brands for a smoker to choose from. Sometimes I wonder how many of people have changed their brand or bought cigarettes by attracted to these shiny and beautiful boxes. I also wonder how many people would read “SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING” every time they open a cigarette pack. Even though United States was the first nation to mandate health warning on cigarette packs, today USA has one of the smallest, least prominent warning on the cigarette packs. In some country’s it is mandated to display graphical image covering at least 40% of the front and in some other country’s text warning covering at least 30% of the back of the pack. Australia took a bit serious about these colorful and stylish design boxes and banned all form of colors, logos and stylish designs. They mandated plain cigarette packaging showing only brand name, health warning and graphical image (see here). Well if you live in USA don’t be miss leaded by these shiny, colorful and stylish design boxes. No matter what color they are, by smoking them is equal to damaging health.