How to make a Shipping Box for book

Note: The diagrams in this article are not up to scale. This not the only way to make the shipping box.

Every time I receive my books, I was amazed by the way they are packed in the perfect shipping box. Every time I open a shipping box, I feel like, “I can also make this box”. So one day I decided to make a shipping box and went to local store and picked some thrown cardboard boxes.

List of items to make shipping box:

  • A 32”X17” inches cardboard (for 9”X12” box)
  • Marker
  • Scale or Tape
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Step 1 : Take a cardboard approximately 32” width and 17” height.

Step 2: Take Marker and Scale to draw outlines for cutting cardboard as below

shipping Box Out Lines

Shipping Box Out Lines

• Mark a point on the cardboard form below at 5.5” inches and draw a line horizontally on that point.
• Mark a point on the cardboard from left at 4.5” inches and draw a line vertically on that point.
• From the vertical line mark a point at 12” towards right and draw another vertical line.
• From the second vertical line mark a pint at 2” inches towards right and draw another vertical line.
• From first vertical line mark a point at 2” inches towards left and draw another vertical line.
• From the first horizontal line mark 2” inches below and draw another horizontal line.
• Mark 2” inches from the top of the cardboard and draw a horizontal line.

Now cardboard should look like this

shippingBox Outline

Step 3: Now take scissors and cut the marked red portion of the cardboard as per below image.
shippingBox Cut Off

Step 4: Now take marker and mark the cardboard as per below image; cut the marked cardboard
shipping Box Cut Off

Now cardboard should look like this

shippingBox Cardboard

After all Cuttings

Step 5: Now fold the cardboard as per horizontal and vertical lines

Fold view of cardboard

Fold view of cardboard

Step 6: Glue the box as needed.

Shipping Box

Shipping Box

Now you have a shipping box and You are ready to ship your books.

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