How to make a Shipping Box for book

Note: The diagrams in this article are not up to scale. This not the only way to make the shipping box.

Every time I receive my books, I was amazed by the way they are packed in the perfect shipping box. Every time I open a shipping box, I feel like, “I can also make this box”. So one day I decided to make a shipping box and went to local store and picked some thrown cardboard boxes.

List of items to make shipping box:

  • A 32”X17” inches cardboard (for 9”X12” box)
  • Marker
  • Scale or Tape
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Step 1 : Take a cardboard approximately 32” width and 17” height.

Step 2: Take Marker and Scale to draw outlines for cutting cardboard as below

shipping Box Out Lines

Shipping Box Out Lines

• Mark a point on the cardboard form below at 5.5” inches and draw a line horizontally on that point.
• Mark a point on the cardboard from left at 4.5” inches and draw a line vertically on that point.
• From the vertical line mark a point at 12” towards right and draw another vertical line.
• From the second vertical line mark a pint at 2” inches towards right and draw another vertical line.
• From first vertical line mark a point at 2” inches towards left and draw another vertical line.
• From the first horizontal line mark 2” inches below and draw another horizontal line.
• Mark 2” inches from the top of the cardboard and draw a horizontal line.

Now cardboard should look like this

shippingBox Outline

Step 3: Now take scissors and cut the marked red portion of the cardboard as per below image.
shippingBox Cut Off

Step 4: Now take marker and mark the cardboard as per below image; cut the marked cardboard
shipping Box Cut Off

Now cardboard should look like this

shippingBox Cardboard

After all Cuttings

Step 5: Now fold the cardboard as per horizontal and vertical lines

Fold view of cardboard

Fold view of cardboard

Step 6: Glue the box as needed.

Shipping Box

Shipping Box

Now you have a shipping box and You are ready to ship your books.

Differences between policy and law

“Most organizations develop and formalize descriptions of acceptable and unacceptable employee behavior which are called policies”.

“The rules the members of society create to balance the individual’s right to self-determination with the needs of the whole are called laws”

“The key difference between policy and law is that ignorance of policy is a viable defense,” but ignorance of law is not a viable defense. Another main difference between policy and law is policies are continuously updated, changed according to needs of the origination whereas changes to the law is lengthy process and requires approval.

Policies must be written in a way such that it can be easily understood, readily available , distributed to all individuals who are expected to compile with and acknowledged by the employee. Whereas laws are not easily and understood, distributed and not acknowledged by any individuals. Properly defined and enforced policies functions in an organization the same way as law, only for organization employees and not applicable to other outside organization. But law is applicable to everyone. Organizations policy must comply with law.

Difference between a threat and an attack

“A threat is a category of objects, persons, or other entities that represents a constant danger to an asset”.
“An attack is an act or event that exploits vulnerability”.
Main difference between threat and attack is a threat can be either intentional or unintentional where as an attack is intentional. Threat is a circumstance that has potential to cause loss or damage whereas attack is attempted to cause damage. Threat to the information system doesn’t mean information was altered or damaged but attack on the information system means there might be chance to alter, damage, or obtain information when attack was successful.



Note: All content provided in this post is for informational purposes only. If you believe this was accurate and useful plz rate or vote it. If you think something was wrong or missing plz post it as comment.

1. Do you think representation in top management is a fair indicator of the effects of diversity training programs? Why or why not?

Ans. Yes I think representation in top management is a fair indicator of the effects of diversity training programs. “Diversity programs are truly effective in improving representation in management. They include strategies to measure the representation of women and minorities in managerial positions, and they hold managers accountable for achieving more demographically diverse management teams.”

2. Why might one-shot diversity training programs be ineffective?

Ans. There is no strong representation of management in one-shot diversity training programs which make training program ineffective. Moreover one-short diversity program does not have any strategies. Organizations that provided diversity training were not consistently more likely to have women and minorities in upper management positions than organizations that did not which makes training ineffective. One-shot training sessions without strategies to encourage effective diversity management back on the job are not likely to be very effective.

3. What significant obstacles must be overcome to make diversity programs effective?

Ans. Well it is certainly clear that there should be strong representation of management to make diversity programs effective. Proportionally not representation of employees in top management is a significant obstacle which be overcome to make diversity programs effective. Selection system should be more transparent. Providing training for employees who have not had adequate exposure to certain material in past is a significant obstacle. Ineffective communication of organization policies and practices leads to ineffective diversity programs which is a significant obstacle.

4. How could you design more effective diversity programs?

Ans. My effective diversity program involves strong representation of management along with employees. My diversity program teach “the legal framework for equal employment opportunity and encourage fair treatment of all people regardless of their demographic characteristics.” Program teaches “how a diverse workforce will be better able to serve a diverse market of customers and clients.” My effective diversity program designed for “foster personal development practices that bring out the skills and abilities of all workers, acknowledging how differences in perspective can be a valuable way to improve performance for everyone.”

Actions recommend regarding the purchase/implement of the RFID system

Actions recommend regarding the purchase/implement of the RFID system

Note: All content provided in this post is for informational purposes only. If you believe this was accurate and useful plz rate or vote it. If you think something was wrong or missing plz post it as comment.
  1.  Analyze the need: Analyze the main need for implementation of RFID. Is the intent to track product movement from supply through distribution?  Is there any need involves locating the right product at the right time? Is there any need to track materials in production and through manufacturing process so you can deliver finished products to customers sooner and at a lower defect rate?  If Yes the answer to these questions then I would recommend to implementation of RFID system, So that all this process will be easy with RFID tags.
  2. Type of the tag: Choosing the type of the tag will play key role in purchase and implementation of RFID system. Whether the type of the tags needed are read only, read and write only, less memory, more memory will decide the price of the tag.  Read only and less memory are comparatively less price than read and write, and more memory.  If there is need to save more data of the product them we need to select read and write with more memory which will increase cost of tag.  Size and Shape will also important in selection of RFID tag. If size of the tag was not optimized with product it will gave odd view of the product to the costumer. The shape of the tag also should be optimized so that it will be easy to place the tag on product.
  3. Position of the tag: Position of the tag is very important in implementation of RFID system. If the tag was placed on the product at an improper position then it will be difficult to read the tag when the products are in pallet.  Position of the tag will helpful in design of pallet so that any item in the pallet will be read by readers. It is very challenge to tag water based products and metal based products as water observes and metal reflects.
  4. Performance of the tag : While implementation of RFID system considering performance of the tag is very important.  The tag should able to perform guarantee read at any point of time. Generally high bandwidth tags will provide guarantee read. If the product is needed to be read while in the moving wan, then then readers and tags should also have a capability to perform well in such conditions.
  5. Placement of readers: It is important to place the readers at particular position with a fixed area of readability.  So that there will be no collision between readers, than there will be no false data.
  6. Backup plan : Always have a backup plane.  If any up predicted suctions happens it is important to have a backup plan. It would be very useful if the backup plan can access the database of RFID system.