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1. Do you think leaders in other contexts (business, sports, religion) exhibit the same qualities as great U.S presidents?
Ans. I think leaders in the other contexts may not exhibit all the same quality’s as a great U.S. presidents. A sports person can take risk decision to dive from 10 stair building which exhibit his/her personal risk, where as U.S. president may not take any personal risk decision in certain suctions which involves economy, environment and people. A leader in religion may exhibit unconventional behavior but which way not a good quality for U.S president to exhibit.
2. How important do you think charisma is to a president’s greatness?
Ans. Charisma is important to a president but it is not that much important for president’s greatness. A president’s greatness is not only set by charisma it is also involved with other. A high charisma president needs a good situation to influence followers. A charisma president can influence his followers with his vision and articulation. Followers attribute heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observer charisma leader behavior.
3. Do you think being in the right place at the right time could influence presidential greatness?
Ans. Yes I think being in the right place at right time could influence presidential greatness. Franklin D. Roosevelt offered a vision to get the United States out of the great depression in the 1930’s. His perception to followers, abilities and responses to their needs and feelings influenced presidential greatness.
4. Do you think historians can be biased in evaluating a president’s greatness? If so, how?
Ans. I don’t think only historians can be biased in evaluating a presidents greatness. A past president ideology can not be good for present day and present president ideology may not be good for past time. Being in the right place at the right time can also change the evaluating a president greatness.