Case Incident: Data Will Set You Free
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1. Why do you think Freescale focuses on metrics? Why don’t more organizations follows its approach?
Ans. “Freescale has discovered that in order to have the right people at the right time to do the right job, it need an extensive and elaborate set of metrics to manage 24000 employees in 30 countries”. By focusing on metrics and set ing metrics, organization will know what they need form employees and for what. To set metrics for any organization require lot of data, collecting and maintain of past data is very difficult. So many organizations don’t follow this approach.
2. As a manager, would you want to be accountable for the acquisition and retention of employees you supervise? Why or Why not?
Ans. Yes, As a manager I would want to be accountable for the acquisition and retention of employees I supervise because, I can know what they capable off and use them more efficiently.
3. In general , what do you think are the advantages and limitations of such metrics?
Ans. If we have certain metrics with census data, it would help in talent needs into future and reconcile those with projected availabilities. With benchmark data it will be easy to compare effectiveness with other with same benchmark. There are limitations for such metrics such as Company cannot perform any operations if the product did not meet its benchmark, this may may reduce productivity.
4. Freescale focused on metrics for the acquisition and retention of employees. Do you think metrics can be applied to other areas of management, such as employee attitudes, employee performance, or skill development? How might those metrics be measured and managed?
Ans. Yes, metrics can be applied to other areas of management, such as employee attitudes, employee performance, or skill development. These metrics can be measured by using ability, capacity, workload and productivity of employee. These metrics can be managed by manager.